Bundles and dependencies

Invocation technology based on “JAX RS”:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_API_for_RESTful_Web_Services is formed by:

Artifact Version Description
RoSe JAX-RS Exporter (jersey) (0.1.0.SNAPSHOT) JAX-RS Exporter


Artifact Version
Apache Felix Http Jetty 2.2.0
Apache Felix EventAdmin 1.2.14
jersey-core 1.9
jersey-server 1.9

Setting up

The JAX-RS specification provides us some nice annotations that helps the job to be done. So the first thing to do is to create a wrapper component that require your business service and provide a service which use the Jax-Rs annotations to map your Pojo as a resource thanks to the great jersey project. And, Done ! Well not totally done, you also need to provide a small configuration file (rose-conf.json) that will be interpreted on the fly to know which service should be exported as REST resources. The following configuration file tells RoSe to export the services which have the property jaxrs set. RoSe do it seamlessly using its jersey based ExporterService.

"machine" : {
  "id" : "server1",
  "host" : "localhost",

  "connection" : [
    { "out" : { "service_filter" : "(jaxrs=*)" } }

  "component" : [
  "factory" : "RoSe_exporter.jersey",
      "properties" : { "jersey.servlet.name" : "/rest" }

If you are accustomed to iPOJO, a simple hello world component exported as a resource looks like that:

@Provides(properties=@StaticServiceProperty(name="jaxrs",value="true", type = "String"))
public class HelloImpl implements HelloWorld {

  public String hello(@PathParam("name") String name) {
            return "Hello "+name+" !";

So now, if you go to: http://localhost:8080/rest/helloworld/toto you will have: hello toto !. The good thing is that you are free to add or remove the services you want to have an endpoint for and the endpoint will be created or destroyed according to the service availability. Now, you need to export only the service providing the HelloWorld services, no probalem just change the configuration: { "out" : { "service_filter" : "(objectclass=com.acme.HelloWorld)" } }